
Stuff I like - Movement Skis

I've used many brands of skis over the last few decades but one brand has impressed me enough lately that I want to dedicate a post about it here. Movement Skis out of Switzerland make some of the lightest and most reliable skimo and freeride skis on the market. They offer the full range from silly light skimo race sticks to modestly fat powder boards and everything in between. I currently own three models with plans to add a fourth early next season. Below is my take on my quiver.

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Arc'teryx Procline Carbon Boot

Ah, gear reviews. Such a suspicion-worthy beast. Read them at your own peril. But read them you will since you're about to drop some serious coin on gear of some sort. We all do it and we often go to the same places in search of information to guide our decisions. Frequency builds trust, whether truly warranted or not. I'm guilty of doing the same and have made purchases based on the information. Ultimately, I don't always agree with the review and this has created a fair amount of sketicisim of late. 

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Tech Bindings for Steep Skiing

No time to be worrying about your bindingsI guess it's time to end the silence on these pages. Funny how the blog-scape has changed with the times. It seems that peoples' attention spans have shortened and now folks gravitate toward short hits of adventure and related gear stories. I'm guilty of gravitating to Instagram myself. But ideas continue to percolate in my brain and I'm finally feeling motivated enough to share some thoughts. Hell, it costs me $15/month just to have this site active so I might as well contribute. Hopefully, someone is still reading.

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The Rites of AK Spring - 1

Few would argue that it was a strange winter nearly everywhere in North America. The strangeness was mostly of the warm variety. It was certainly no drought but it looked like it in places like Alaska in the lower elevations. Truth be told, my home town of Anchorage saw very little snow. The Nordic skiers were depressed. But above 2,000 feet, the winter was full-on throughout South Central AK.

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Alaska Spring and Type II Fun

Unlike other places I’ve lived in my life, Alaska is not known for consistently fine weather. The windows tend to be short and, if you’re a skier, you need to pounce on opportunities when they present themselves. For the traditionally employed, this can prove to be a problem when good weather materializes during the week and the shit comes back in on the weekend. 

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