
Vitamin D 

Cold and flu season. Yeah, it blows! Huge. It's even worse for competitive types like me and a lot of the readers of this blog. There are few things worse (aside from death of friends and family and other truly shitty things) than training your ass off for an event only to come down with some heinous virus a day or two before and either not compete or suck hugely attempting to do so.

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Intensity News

I swear I did not plan this or somehow "scoop" the news but this is an article I just read on Yahoo News about interval training. Surrendipidous to be sure. Crazy how it works sometimes! Too bad I can't get paid for putting this stuff out there, eh? 

You know, this brings up some old frustrations for me concerning how our society has dumbed down exercise. I actually had a rant rolling around in my head about this but I will spare you all for now. But I will say that it makes me crazy that somehow walking is now considered exercise.

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Short and Fast

There should be no doubt in any reader's mind that I believe in training long to go long.  It is not the only type of training I recommend but you will not perform at your best in long events if you have not put your time in. Yes, I know, you can find a few entities on the web that suggest otherwise but you will be hard-pressed to find any of those athletes who train short to go long at the top of elite competitive ranks in any endurance sport.

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Seize the Day

As most of you who read these posts regularly know, I've been anticipating the upcoming cycling season since I crossed the line in the last race of LAST season. I've always maintained that "burn out" was mostly a psychological phenomenon, not a physical one. Of course, I took the requisite break in training volume in the fall and have been building it back up in a predictable fashion. I trained like a rando racer...for awhile. My half-stepping approach to preparation for the first race of the season was met with predictably mediocre results. That only served to divert my attention more fully to what really is mattering to me this year and that is road racing. The problem with that is I live in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It's a high altitude ski town, ferchrissakes! Plus, it's February. Who, in there right mind, thinks about road cycling in February in a ski town? Well, uhh, that would be me, Bob. I hang my head, guilty as charged, my ambition getting the better of me already.

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Chute the Moon Trip Report

I once heard a great quote from one of the best distance runners of the modern age. It was back in the day when ABC covered the Olympic Games and they were interviewing, I think, Kip Keino (could have also been one of the other great African runners of the day). I never missed the Olympics on TV when I was a kid. It captured my imagination like no other spectacle.

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