Training Log - December 13-19

After last week's big melt-off winter finally returned to the Tetons. Initially, new snowfall was light but the temps were frigid. It finally warmed up to more seasonal temps and the snow came big time. Sunday was the best day of the year for me with over 6,000 feet of blower pow and never crossing anyone's tracks. Training-wise, I started off the week tired after sleeping like shit Monday night. Not sure what that was about but I went into Tuesday's interval workout with some dread. Although I had 4 x 5 minute VO2 max intervals planned, I gave serious thought to bagging the whole thing and going to bed early. Funny how keeping this journal on-line compels me to stick to the plan. Not sure if that's a good thing, however.
But stick to the plan I did and the first 5 minute effort was pretty awful. Definitely felt blocked and my heart was doing all kinds of palpitations in the middle of the effort. I skied back down to start the next one and decided to do it at threshold instead of the usual balls-out. I actually felt better on that one and was at full speed by the last minute. Must have kicked out the cob webs, I guess. I performed the last two in a similar fashion getting up to full effort sooner on each one. I felt like I salvaged the day. Some might argue that going home still might have been the best choice. Time would tell.
I did demonstrate some restraint by not going to the weight room after my interval workout. I decided that I had to give some place and that was where it was going to happen.
I slept well Tuesday night and felt normal on Wednesday. It was about 2 degrees by the time I got out onto Snow King for my recovery laps. I did three laps for 4,600 feet. My legs felt pretty good although there was some fatigue on the last lap. I toyed with a fourth lap but decided getting to bed earlier was a better option.
Thursday's schedule was a little different since I did not have to be to work until 8:45 am. I decided that I should take advantage of the time, decompress the afternoon/evening and get my weight workout in before work. Now, I hate lifting heavy things in the morning. I just never feel that turned-on. Consequently, I did not go super heavy in the front squats. The split squats felt normal and, by the end, the plyos felt good. I did a bunch of one-legged efforts onto a 24 inch box.
After standing in the operating room all day I got out for my second workout up on the King. I opted for 2 sets of 12 x 30/30 at max effort. I could feel the weights from the morning but, in general, felt good. This workout is by far my favorite intensity work on skis. It's the perfect set for skiing since you can get up to speed almost instantly. They would be hard to do on a bike since in takes longer to wind up the gear and get rolling. I suppose 40/40 would make sense. Anyway, I did them again on the cat road since the area was open. I think for maximum benefit, doing one round straight up the fall line and one on the road would be the best preparation.
Friday saw some restraint and I did two easy laps on the King.
On Saturday, with the weather turning and a storm moving in I wanted to get up into Garnet Canyon early. The one thing about preparing for ski racing is that adventure skiing ends up taking a back seat. This is regrettable since half the reason I ski is to get up into the wild places. There is no reason that a day in the high mountains cannot be part of the training program but its utility for specific preparation for skimo racing is limited unless you do it on race gear. This time, I did not. I used my race boots as I usually do but opted for the Trab Free Randos instead of the toothpicks.
I could not rally a partner so I ventured up solo, hoping to get up the West Hourglass Couloir on Nez Pierce. This is a classic Teton descent and one I have made three or four times before. The fresh snow falling during really cold temps made the skin track very slippery. My legs felt a bit flat so the back sliding was particularly vexing. Up in the canyon the weather was much more severe with wind and increasing snow. I have skied this line in the past with another partner in full conditions. I knew I was potentially pushing it going solo but I kept sticking my nose into it booting ever higher. The effort was kicking my ass with variable density, crotch-deep conditions. There were countless times I was going to turn around but then I would hit a section of more dense snow and make some easier progress. It went on forever. The usual 1 hour climb in shallower conditions took about twice that.
I finally topped out. I did not loiter as the wind and spindrift was coaxing me downward. With a soft slab forming by the minute, I made cautious turns the whole way down, rarely linking more than 4 or 5 turns before letting the sluff by. There were no "events" and I was soon cruising the fun, rolling terrain exiting Garnet. It was 6 honest hours.
Although tired from Saturday's beat down, I headed to Maverick on Sunday for sure-to-be-great powder skiing. And it was. It dumped all day and there was a nice track in thanks to several parties who arrived before me. I put in 3, steady recovery level laps and had face shots at will and rarely crossed a track. Best day of the year, for sure.
Those 10 hours bumped up the volume of the week. Sleep was adequate but not great all week and I think the steady volume of training coupled with some decent intensity might be catching up with me. With some holiday social things coming up next week, I may tone down the first part of the week and see how my legs feel toward the end. Don't want to get into a big hole with only 3 weeks to go 'til the race.
Monday rest
Tuesday ski, Snow King, hard, VO2 max intervals, 4 x 5 minutes, a little tired, 1:45, 3,100'
Wednesday ski, Snow King, recovery, 2 hrs, 4,600'
Thursday ski, Snow King, hard, VO2 max efforts, 2 x 12 x 30/30, 1.5 hrs., 3,000, then weights, front squats, split squats, ploys, 45 mins.
Friday ski, Snow King, recovery, 1.5 hrs., 3,100'
Saturday ski, West Hourglass Couloir, Nez Pierce, major slog, 6 hrs., 6,300'
Sunday ski, Maverick, mostly recovery, awesome powder!, 4:20 hrs., 6,400'
Totals 17:50 hrs., 26,500'
Next up, perhaps a lighter start to the week. Definitely feeling tired from all that. Hopefully, I'm getting some assets in the bank! - Brian

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