Out of the Rut

The Talkeetnas are a big range but easy access is limited to a few points. Hatcher Pass is the easiest and there's lots of terrain to keep us busy. But I've found myself going back to the same spots each time up there, mainly because they're fun and predicable. But this past week with some time off from work, my partners and I have explored beyond our usual haunts and have turned up some fantastic skiing.
Yesterday was the most eye-opening as we deviated far from our usual terrain. The lines over in this area are at least twice as long as what we typically find up there. I know this doesn't come as news to others who ski this zone but it was to me. Plenty of folks get over here as evidenced by the ski track/booter we used and the tracks down the lines. Stability was still good. The terrain reminds me of Turnagain Pass but the snow pack is different, typically. It will be interesting to see how this area develops with more storms.

Reader Comments (5)
So. Jealous.
Happy new year buddy. Looks like you have all you need up there.
That alpenglow shot is quite nice! Gotta love new terrain options, huh? Thanks for sharing as always
Hey Andy,
I guess compared to the lower 48 we've been doing pretty well. The weather has cooperated and I've had my share of fun days so far. Good to have Sam here, for sure. Looking forward to a visit from you guys some spring.
Funny, I'm not sure what I was expecting on this outing but I left my camera behind. These shots are courtesy of Sam Inouye, formally of SLC now residing in Palmer, AK. He shot these with his freakin' IPhone. Kinda crazy how nice they turned out.
.......back in the rut