
Easy there all you net surfing gun nuts! This is not for you. I'm talking muscle glycogen here, not your spent shells from last weekend's Skeetapalooza! Go away!
The day of reckoning is at hand.

Just a week until 24 Hours of Sunlight. I did this race with my now wife two years ago and we won the Duo Pro division. It was not hotly contested and we were never really pushed. All the pushing came from within and it was mostly fun getting that much vert. This year, Dina, my wife, is doing the solo event and I'm doing the Duo again but this time with a male partner, Mike Werner. He is a great skier and experienced rando racer but only has one day over 10,000 feet, ever! Should be an interesting adventure for him.
Stress. Yeah, being a competitive athlete and having a real job is all about managing stress. Some good, some not so good. The competitive part is an important distinction. It demands that the training MUST take place where as the recreational athlete can blow off a work out if other demands conspire against it. When one faces a test against others or himself on a regular basis, coming to the line inadequately prepared creates consequences more ominous than getting the work done in the first place.
Well, I had high hopes for the race this past weekend up in Whitefish, Montana. Made the drive with Dina, my wife, on Friday night. Freakin' cold Saturday morning. I could tell right away during the warm-up that I was fatigued. I don't know if it was a little less sleep or a little more training that week but I knew I was going to suffer a bit more.
The gun went off...
I've never been a big base mileage guy. Back in the day when I was racing my bike full-time (20 years ago?!!) I felt that intensity was the key to success. I reasoned that getting to the finish line was not the problem, making the break was. What I didn't know was that there were more subtle things going on physiologically that allow us to tolerate repeated bouts of the race-making intensity efforts. This is what so-called base training is all about.