Entries in buck mountain (2)


Hoka Teton Test Drive

After 6 months away, this view made me weep with joyAfter 6 months in Anchorage, battling rain and mud on the trails this summer, I’m taking my first vacation from my new job. I’m in Jackson for 10 days of sun and mountains, mostly peak bagging and catching up with friends. It’s also a chance to put my Hoka Stinson EVOs through their paces on more technical terrain.

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Buck North Face Trilogy

L to R - Bubblefun, Newc, Northwest Couloirs - Photo: Lansworth Johnson

Here is a trip report on a recent trip in the Tetons. My crude attempt at a video is at the bottom for those who can't handle my story telling. Enjoy.

Like any ski mountaineer, I have a list of objectives to ski in the Tetons. The North Face of Buck Mountain holds two of the more compelling lines in range, the Newc and Bubblefun Couloirs. Seen from the north, any skier's eyes are immediately drawn to them.

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