Entries in Talkeetna mountains (2)


Snowbird Hut Perfection

Not long after I moved to Alaska, I became disheartened at how bad the weather could be. My first few weeks were actually glorious with perfectly clear spring weather following one of the best winters on record. I skied a lot of cool lines those first days, especially for a guy who just blew into town. But the summer dulldrums soon followed and I became overwhelmed at times by the incessant rain. A few wind events followed and I wondered what the hell I was doing here. I think I even cried a few times.

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Winter 2014-15 - First Salvo

The Talkeetna Mountains, AKAs my late ski partner, Steve Romeo, liked to say, there are two seasons in my life....winter and waiting for winter. I love that and think of him whenever the snow flies. That's a good thing. Up here in AK, winter has been creeping upon us more slowly than is typical. We've had snow up high but temps have remained warm this fall. It's made for some good hiking but I'm getting impatient for winter to arrive in full.

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